ARTDef 2023 Conference
Follow the conference timeline to plan your preparations.

1. Registration 2023
Registration for the International Conference on Advanced Research and Technology for Defence (ARTDef) 2023 is open until:
October 30, 2023
November 7, 2023
Anyone wishing to participate should register on the conference website in the Registration section and attach the paper file.
Participation in the conference is free!

2. Confirmation 2023
By November 3 12, 2023, each registered participant in ARTDef 2023 will receive a response to the email specified by him to allow his paper to be exported or to eliminate any inaccuracies noted in it.

3. Final Version 2023
By November 10 17, 2023, each participant in the conference must send the final version of their paper. A paper whose final version is not sent within the specified deadline will not be admitted.

4. ARTDef 2023 Conf.
The opening of the International Conference on Advanced Research and Technology for Defense (ARTDef) 2023 will take place on November 28, 2023.
Papers that have not been presented may not be published!