The International Conference Advanced Research and Technology for Defence ARTDef) is an annual scientific forum for the presentation of research and technology policy in the Ministry of Defence and the Bulgarian Army, aimed at the effective use of scientific achievements to build and maintain the necessary defence capabilities of the Armed Forces.
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Defence.
New technologies, policies, programs, initiatives and discussions will be presented on issues related to the challenges facing the MoD and BA in the field of defence research, modernization and rearmament of BA, increasing military and military education potential to support the development of the Armed Forces and building a reliable and sustainable defence of the country and a worthy contribution to the defence system of NATO and the EU, as well as creating a community of defence experts.
The main purpose of the conference is to unite the military scientific and military educational potential for the presentation of research and development in the field of defence and optimization of defence capabilities and resources, as well as to strengthen interaction and cooperation with civilian scientific organizations and institutes and representatives of businesses working in this field.
The conference is held every year, in the last week of June and lasts 2 working days.
The household is transferred on a rotating basis between the co-organizers.